DJ Glenn
Dance lessons...Having fun?
Me and Len...Proof that cowboy hats make ANY man look better
Line dancing Doha style....
So, I finally did it! I had my country night... two in fact. And I have to say, I am very proud of myself.
Birthday party at Cowboy UpThe first night was May 9th...sold out at 80 ppl. The dance instructors were great, and at one time we had over 40 ppl taking the dance lesson. The food was great and everyone left smiling...even if they didn't exactly walk (stumbled is more like it...)
The second night was last night...and it was great too...a few less people, which is to be expected, this was a big weekend here in Doha. Three or four different events happened, as well as a lot of people being out of the country right now. But all in all it was a pretty good turnout. Mostly new faces, so I'm getting the word out there...We are going to be doinbg it agian at the end of July.
It's cool, I'm here only 6 months, but I have the opportunity to do something I could never do in my other life. I am adding something to the lives of the people here.
After both of the country nights people came up to me and thanked me...thanked me for bringing something new to Doha. Thanked me for creating an event where they felt comfortable.. but most of all, thanked me for bringing a little taste of home to them here... in the Middle East, where, although things look similar, nothing is familiar. That was my intention with this night. Not just so that I could have a place to dance, but to answer a need. One that we all have here. To have a bit of home with us. Even though we all chose to move away from our homes, we are all still looking for something familiar. Homey.
And nothing says homey more than BBQ
I came out here to start new. Begin, that's not even right.. not begin agian... but,
to find a new path. Let's see if I can make that happen...
Hope you enjoy the pics... I know this post is lame, but I'm tired. Had a big night last
Oh I have a new Vonage number... 516 913-4231
you can call me on this number and it's just like calling NY. No international charges and if you are in ny there are no long distance charges either.
Oh yeah, I can't believe I almost forgot. Len and I went to Dubai the other day. We stayed with my friend Lee (you will remember him from pics from earlier postings)
We went to Atlantis and the Atlantis aquarium.
It was kinda cool. Def nice to get out of Doha for a day or two. It was def more humid in Dubai, but it was much more familiar looking. A proper city. Proper roads. Shinier. Cleaner.
Line dancing Doha style....